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Small Batch Raw Honey

A Bee-Centric Philosophy

We believe happy bees make happy honey. With thoughtful cultivation and lots of love, we have slowly expanded our family of bees over the course of 8 years to produce Highlands Honey at a craft scale. Our “bee-centric” management practices are designed around the needs and health of the bees. While this approach does not produce the most honey, we do believe it produces the best, with a joy to be savored in each ounce. Highlands Honey is harvested by hand in small batches from hives in Southeastern Wisconsin, coarse filtered to preserve its natural benefits, and then bottled in its pure, raw form.

honey jar

Our Honey

Our Highlands Honey bees collect nectar primarily from dandelion, yellow sweet clover, white sweet clover, crimson clover, pumpkin, sunflower and other wildflowers. The result is a bright, well-balanced, smooth-tasting honey with floral notes. Our honey is raw, meaning it is as close as possible to honey as it exists in the hive, preserving bee pollen and other natural elements of the honey. To balance honey extraction with the health of the bees, we harvest in small batches over a limited number of weeks each year, giving the bees plenty of time to prepare for winter. Grab a jar of Highlands Honey and experience the taste of real honey!

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